Monday, June 6, 2011

Low Maintenance My Fanny --And, We're Back

I've had more near-panic attacks and secretly wished my bottle of Glaceau Snob Water would turn into something from the Terlato vineyards more times than I care to remember since the last time I've updated this blog...on October 20 of last year.

Okay, so here's a flash in the pan of life since then.

--The Mister was deployed, so I hit 'pause' on wedding planning shy of a few moments of hysterics regarding where to have the reception.

--Divine intervention...the Saturday after The Mister returned from The Sandbox, we found a reception site. Thank. God.

--Plans are now in tact for a wedding on 10/8 (the perfect number according to Eat, Pray, Love) and a honeymoon in Italy after (I'm already mooning over the prospect of it)

While my busy mind has been preoccupied working and planning a wedding, less busy minds and hands have been preoccupied planning the MHS 2001 high school reunion (similar to a wedding in many ways)...our first 10-year reunion. Awe.

I list each planned activity along with my interest level and the reason for said interest level...

Tour of high school on Saturday morning of reunion
I have two days off each week. I live in the city where I attended high school. I have not opted to tour the high school in 10 years. Why would I do so now with 200 perfect strangers?

Pep rally at high school on Saturday morning of reunion
I skipped (most) pep rallies in high school. The score was a 3 because I'm marginally curious to see if the C/O 2001 cheerleaders will be leading cheers/wearing old uniforms at age of 28 w/ all of the "fun" of aging (i.e., stretch marks, cellulite, etc.). It would be like a nostalgic train wreck as skirts that short should be prohibited by law after the age of 22.

Dinner at hotel with former classmates
7 dropped to 0
The cost of dinner is $75. The menu consists of designer meat and little else. Beverages must be purchased separately. Furthermore, there will be no one who will or might attend the reunion who I am just oh-so-excited to run into and "catch up" with. We didn't do it on Facebook, why would we do it now? I can assure you, these people feel the same way about me. There isn't one kid from AP English going, "I hope that delightful Amy Brown shows up! I haven't seen her in years!" What will really happen (if anyone remembers my existence), "Where's the girl with the back brace?" For $75 per person, the incredible and disturbingly sexy Mister and I could have a really nice dinner somewhere (drinks included).

Slide show at some point during the evening
I do not pilfer people's photos on Facebook (and yes, I'm "friends" on FB with the majority of the people I knew in high school. Why would I want to pay $75 ($150 if the Mister goes) to have someone else push the clicker on photos of classmates' pasts lives when I could do it at home for free (drinks included)?

I'm not trying to be negative. I'm happy that all of the cool kids from high school who have fond memories that they'd like to relive with long-lost friends have this opportunity. There's just nothing about this party that's for me. Maybe I've squashed some memories of people and events from high school...who knows? Maybe I'd have a great time if I went. The thing is, I'm not a betting woman. Seventy-five bucks is a lot of swag to put down on -19,996 odds. I could buy shoes with that money. Or go to dinner with my Mister...possibly to celebrate finding a reception site? Odds of the latter two suggestions being a good time? Positive 20,000+.


(Yes, the provocation behind mentioning the reunion would be the fact that the former MHS C/O 2001 class president who is organizing this fun-like-a-frozen-fishstick affair keeps sending menacing e-mails reminding people to pay lest the reunion be canceled. I understand some people are forgetful or just plain stupid. I know this because I work in higher education both as faculty and as staff and constantly fear for the great likelihood that humanity will soon be sustaining itself on an advancement level akin to clubbing a giant cat to cook over a fire. So, a weekly reminder for some is expected.

Here is where our former little Commandress in Chief needs to do a little math, though.... There is a 100% chance that at least 75% or more of the people who haven't paid by this point are not going to shart out the moolah for the reunion at the last minute. Why? Because they're not going. Hmm...I wonder if clicking "not attending" on Facebook is an option. Either way, I'll be happy (though somewhat less entertained) when the menacing high school reunion e-mails stop coming. I guess this does give me insight into the "excitement" and pedestrian events that will be planned in the next 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years and so on.... :)

With love...(for my Mister!)

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