If you find yourself pondering whether or not you're ready to get married but aren't sure, I've developed a simple quiz that will help you determine what you should be doing in life.
1 - The idea of being in a committed relationship makes you feel...
A. Like you should be committed (to a mental hospital)
B. A tad nervous
C. Warm and fuzzy like kittens
2 - You're left along for the night. You do which of the following?
A. Rally the troops and head downtown
B. Meet friends for dinner
C. Marathon Season 1 of The Nanny in your pajamas (not that I'm talking about anyone particular...)
3 - The idea of having children is...
A. More terrifying than facing death. Literally facing death
B. Something you'll do later
C. You're already picking out Halloween costumes for when they're babies
4 - You base your decision as to what to eat on...
A. What you're in the mood to eat
B. Usually what you're in the mood to eat, but sometimes you consult your mans
C. You make suggestions for things to cook, and make your decision based on how long he hesitates before responding to each dish
5 - You shave your legs...
A. Daily
B. Every few days
C. Uhhhhh...
If you answered mostly As, you're probably still enjoying singledom, which is a good thing. There's nothing wrong with going out, meeting people, dating, kissing, hanging out with friends and so on unless you're already in a relationship, and then it's wrong. Cheating is wrong.
If you answered mostly Bs, you may be in a relationship that you're relatively happy in but it may not be "the one." Stay tuned.
If you answered mostly Cs, please get out of my house. Seriously, if you answered mostly Cs, you're probably in a committed relationship and are ready to get married and start having dem babies.
It's weird for me to feel this way...not the committed relationship thing, but to start getting excited about kids. I'm definitely still in the idealized stage of my envisioning children, kind of the way I was about marriage five years ago.
You know how it is...when you idealize marriage, all you think about are you and your husband snuggling in front of a fire in the winter, grilling wieners for the neighborhood block party, matching furniture, a savings account, snazzy dinners for two...that kind of thing. You don't think about the day-to-day stuff...sitting on the couch watching TV while picking at your teeth, the first time he farts in front of you, bickering about money...but those are important to think about. Marriage isn't a fairy tale; it's a full-time job.
Kids are the same way. Right now, I'm picturing babies dressed up as little pumpkins for Halloween, surprising kids with Christmas gifts, reading to the kids before they fall asleep, teaching them how to paint, and dumping them on their grandparents so The Mister and I can take a weekend away.
I'm still blocking the reality...babies crying all night, drool, poopy diapers, the baby's first curse word (at which point I clobber The Mister), fighting with The Mister over parenting techniques, trying to get The Mister to read parenting literature, trying to get a toddler out of a car seat at the grocery store in the rain, never sleeping, and exchanging my exotic cheeses for Kraft (whimper).
It should be interesting. I'm definitely ready for the next phase of my life. In just 31 days (I think), we will be six months away from our wedding. In a few years, I feel like The Mister and I will be ready to have kids. I really want twins, but I'm not going to cheat and take any kind of supplement --I don't want to end up with a genetically mutated litter like that Octodevil in California. The Mister thinks I'm barking for wanting twinsies, but I just love the idea of having two children who look the same, speak their own funny language, and can mind read. Oh, imagine the possibilities! Babies' first Halloween will be priceless!
Even if we don't have twins, I know we still want to have kids in rapid fire succession. I really don't want to have one and then 10 years later have another one. I know it happens to loads of people, and it isn't the end of the world, but I definitely liked growing up close in age to my brother. I could have crushes on his friends, and it wasn't creepy. We always had someone to play with, which was nice... we'll see.
Come on, doubles!
By the way, I know this blog makes it look like I'm obsessed with Halloween; I promise, I'm not. I just get ridiculously enthusiastic about the Holiday Season (October - December). About 75% of my excitement comes from childhood holiday memories...the bags full of candy, Thanksgiving, decorating the house for Christmas, the cats and Barney sleeping on the glassed in porch on cold nights, getting tinsel all over the house, fires in the big orange fireplace, and the culmination of anticipation on Christmas morning. The other 25% has to do with Bath & Body Works seasonal scents. Love, love, love candles, and I only like to burn them throughout the holiday season. Yep, I'm a nerd. I want a house mostly so I can try to make it look like simple, chic, southern living and make it smell yummy!
Home sweet home!
We close Monday, August 30 at 4 p.m.
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