Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Team vs. Your Team

Team Eduard (sp?)(don't care) vs. Team Other Guy
Team Conservative vs. Team Liberal
Team Country Music vs. Team All Other Genres (kidding)
Team USA vs. Team England
Team Spain vs. Team Portugal (current teams played right this hot minute)

Team, Team, Team, Team! (There's no 'I' in 'team', only 'me.')

Can we give it a rest? Must we always choose teams? (By the way, Harry Potter wipes the floor with Twilight...sorry, but it does, smoldering hot English-born actor saving the world from evil vs. teen romance set in the middle of nowhere with heavy-lidded protagonist and hero made of glitter? Need I say more?)

Well, clearly, we must all choose teams because some lunatic told everyone that we all had a valid opinion, and now everyone is running around opining that what they like is better. Do they have a logical reason for this? Are some things indeed 'better' than others?

I just got back from lunch (explains a lot) and was (finally) finishing Julie Powells hilarious Julie and Julia memoir (personally, my favorite genre). Why French food, Julie? Why Julia Child? Why not some random Guglielmo Italian chef? Why not?

Who knows...a matter of taste? Personal preference? Opinion? Perhaps Julie P. thought Julia C. was the essence of all that is culinary, and maybe she is, I don't really know, but after hearing all that talk about skinning things off of bones and marrow, I think I'd rather have a different culture shock.

Specifically Italy. Shock me, mi amore. In all seriousness, I opine that Italy could whip France's butt in the kitchen (with the revolver). This is a tentative plan at best for two reasons: (1) I know I can't get a bestseller out of mastering a cooking style; Julie P. already did that and at the birth of the blog no less...way to have timing, J.P., and (2) I'm not sure I'm that motivated, although, it would make the question as to 'what's for dinner' a helluva lot easier to answer for the next 8-9 months. Just saying.

Plus, The Mister and I are going to Italia for our honeymoon, so it might be good to introduce his palette to traditional, real Italian food (yeah, I'm calling you out, Olive Garden). I made spaghetti bolognese for dinner last week, and while The Mister made his usual fuss over dinner --such a wonderful man, I could tell the dinner was, well, lacking in the delicious department. Maybe it was my cooking or my insistence on using 96/4 ground beef, but a version of the recipe I found on the internet called for some major flavor pumpers --garlic, dry white wine...the list went on, but I stuck to my guns and went with the recipe in the big white book (that dwarf's Julia Child's culinary instruction guide to life on my countertop).

So, should I wage imaginary war on Julie Powell's ever-so-successful and hilariously documented experience? Should I replicate what she did...but in Italian? Most importantly --should I?, can I prove the Italian experience is better?



  1. DO. IT.

    Go big or go home, Master Race. Italia would kick France's ass any day, anyways.

  2. Did you seriously call Harry Potter "smoldering hot"?
